We service clients across various industries all over the globe.
Fashwire, Inc
Fashwire is a discovery and shopping marketplace democratizing the fashion industry by offering all fashion-conscious consumers, no matter their demographics or geo-graphics, a direct link to designers and fashion worldwide. Fashwire helps fashion designers with costly ordering decisions and improves on their full-price sell-through by providing instant, targeted user data and feedback on the popularity of new ranges, and even potential future products.Fashwire is where brands are identified, analyzed and defined. Designers and retailers have access to an increasingly rich bank of information, allowing them to target their styles based on real-time consumer demographics and data. Our users also get an unmatched eye into the industry. As they vote on designers collections and post their own personal style to the My Wire feature, they will be influencing tomorrow’s fashion trends, getting rewarded for their time spent on the app, and offering real-time insights for designers and, by extension, retailers. Since 2017, DevelopingNow has supported Fashwire's entire technology stack including their web and mobile platforms.
Counter Forced Labor Technologies
Modern supply chains are sophisticated and complex networks. Rapidly changing conditions may create new risks tomorrow where none existed yesterday. Increasingly stringent laws and regulations create more challenging compliance requirements. CFL provides solutions to help bring clarity and certainty by putting information at your fingertips and allowing you to stay in front of this important issue. Since 2016, DevelopingNow has served as the exclusive development partner for CFL's core offering, GRAT (Global Rizk Assessment Technology), which helps organizations detect and mitigate areas of possible risk within their global supply chains.
RVH Solutions
The Teamwrks Suite delivers innovative technology with AI that delves beyond symptoms, like financial analytics and metrics, into root causes and actionable intelligence. This empowers leaders to improve margin without reducing labor or risking outcomes; equipping both hospital leaders and staff with the tools needed to own the change.
Workspace Property Trust
Workspace Property Trust provides tenants modern office, light industrial, and industrial spaces with urban amenities in the comfort and convenience of the suburbs. DevelopingNow has designed and developed the Workspace tenant experience mobile apps use to communicate with tenants across all of Workspace's markets across the nation.
psyKrop™ is an innovative camera and editing app that guides you to frame, in real-time, more compositionally balanced and aesthetically pleasing photos. DevelopingNow designed and developed the psyKrop mobile app for Aestatix using a combination of computer vision AI, Unity and iOS development.
Oaklo, LLC
With Oaklo, you can receive trusted recommendations for services like personal trainers, mechanics, and baby sitters at the push of a button. View who your closest friends and family members use for their own personal and professional projects from the convenience of your phone. With our in-network tagging system, it's easier than ever to find trusted and reliable Pros within your community. DevelopingNow is the exclusive development partner for Oaklo since it's founding in 2017.